Reflections-knowledge acquired from other subjects

In the process of our research, we have learnt a wide range of facts about the 2 chemicals, cellulose acetate and PVC.

Firstly, the industrial processes that are required in the manufacture of the chemicals give us new insight as to how things are done on a large scale, comparative to what we normally do in Science practicals. For example, the volumes of liquids and masses of solids used are so large. We fully understand that the production of these useful products with such widespread applications have great economical value and are money making enterprises. As such, we have learnt many methods that industries have used to speed up the rate of reaction, for example carrying the reactions out in high temperatures and pressures, and using catalysts. Therefore, this SIA has enabled us to look at the entire picture of actually producing chemicals, providing us with a whole new insight to the issue.

Secondly, we have realized how interrelated our 3 Sciences are through this SIA. In life, the search for information, no matter the type, has its ultimate purpose in improving our standard of living by improving technology around us. Thus, much research and effort has been put into creating better products, but how can this be achieved without researching on basic chemicals like cellulose acetate and PVC? The same goes to Physics, where the basis of a dynamo is the principle of electromagnetic induction, that of a casette tape is its coat of fine magnetic powder. In Biology, the hot topics are stem cell research, proteomics, which all have wider implications in searching for cures to diseases.

In conclusion, this SIA has enabled us to acquire knowedge not only within the boundaries of Chemistry, but it has also set us thinking on issues that we have never thought of.

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